Welcome! My name is Neokities.

You might think that this is another site of those default neocities sites, but no! this site is unique. everything in it is custom.

So many pages, so many things to explore here! this might have the default neocities css style but trust me you'll find numerous things here...

I update the site everyday at night (it depends on your country's timezone) so expect daily updates [note that i only do daily updates if i dont have anything irl related]

RING DING DING!!! new code tutorials and ideas are here! check em out

Links to other neocities sites have been moved to another page. Work in progress. Explorer Neokitty is trying to find more cool sites!

Link to me!!

display my button in your site!


Site links

that was that.. im working on new pages!

Do not go to the following pages:

an edgy page i tried making to test the css style (its fake, dont worry)